Facilities @Bite Dental
Painless I Predictable I Powered by Lasers

Philosophy Behind Our Approach
Pain is a concept of the PAST !
We at Bite Dental Clinic adopt the latest technologies, techniques and bring them to you with compassion and care.
We put the patient's choice and well-being at the centre of all treatments and promise to be there for you when you need it.
We secretly hope, you'll never need a dentist again.

What all do we do ?

Diabetes is a global epidemic, the effect of which is notably prominent on teeth. We take special steps along with our in-house endocrinologist to ensure the highest quality of care for patients suffering with diabetes, including - - proper infection control - laser aided hemostasis - laser aided dis-infection

Anxiety "or being scared" is a very highly prevalence amongst patients with regard to dental treatment. Conscious sedation provides - - Greater comfort - Painless treatment - Better experience - Less Stress for patients who are too scared to be able to cooperate. Suitable for - - Children - Highly Anxious Patients - Patients who consider themselves - Dentist-o-phobic

Our protocols for pregnant patients and hospital setup ensures the safety of you and your baby.